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Jake Goldsbie
14 year-old Toronto native Jake Goldsbie has an extensive list of film and television credits. He has performed in the films Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang, Prince Charming, The Red Sneakers and The Rescuers, Marie Tacquet. On television, Jake's appearances include: Noddy and Friends and the MOWs, When Andrew Came Home and Black and Blue. He has also voiced over a dozen animated series such as Corduroy, Rolie Polie Olie, Franklin, Anne of Green Gables and Rescue Heroes. A fan of comedy, Jake has studied Improv with The Second City Troupe for several years.

name: Jake Goldsbie
birthday: august 8, 1988
religion: jewish
worst fashion mistake: "one time i showed up to school wearing a visor upside and backwords... so people thought that was--- pretty bad"
most emmbarassing moment: "i was playing capture the flag and my pants got snagged on a bush and started to rip and fall of"

Interview for the-n
Jake plays Toby on Degrassi, the sweet guy who likes Emma even though she doesn't like him back. (And why should she? All he did was SAVE HER LIFE!) Anyway, as far as we know Jake never saved anybody's life, but he does have at least one thing in common with Toby. Just check out his answers to questions from the-N.com users.

Kittypaw: What type of music do you like, and what are your hobbies?

Jake: I'll listen to almost anything but I mainly like punk rock. My favorite bands are Green Day, Weezer and Treble Charger. My hobbies are sports mainly. I like playing almost all sports: hockey, basketball, football. I'm not good at all of them, but I try. I also like watching TV.

hypergurl7: How did you get into acting?

Jake: When I was five years old, people kept telling my parents that I should get into acting. So we went to see a few agents, and we found one. That was it.

CountriQT: How do you feel about your character?

Jake: Toby's an interesting character, and I have a lot of fun playing him. He's a little more nerdish than I am, but when he tries to get attention from people like Emma by doing crazy things (like the panther dance!) I have even more fun!

CountriQT: Do you have anything in common with him?

Jake: Yes, Toby and I both like girls that don't like us back.

sofia9922: Has your life changed by making this series?

Jake: It hasn't changed that much, except when I go to a movie now and people know who I am.

kaceypaige: Do you get angry on set when you're acting and you make a mistake, or when someone else makes a mistake?

Jake: No, I don't get angry, because we all make mistakes. The best way to learn is by making mistakes.

lildevil08: What do you like most about being on the show?

Jake: I just like working with all the great people. Everyone is so much fun to work with, and it is a great way to spend a summer.

Jake's Top Fives:


1. Green Day
2. Nirvana
3. Reel Big Fish
4. The Vines
5. Weezer

SONGS(ok there's 6):

1. Dive (Nirvana)
2. Molly's Lips (Nirvana)
3. 1000 hours (Green Day)
4. Get Free (The Vines)
5. Not the one (Offspring)
6. Meaning of life (Offspring)


1. Any Given Sunday
2. Fight Club
3. High Fidelity
4. Kurt and Courtney
5. The Whole Nine Yards

Actor/Actress (in no particular order)

Edward Norton
Jack White(He has a movie coming out!)
Matthew Perry
Mia Rudolph
Ben Stiller


1. Godin
2. Gibson
3. Fender
4. Washburn
5. Yamaha(it was my first guitar)

Sports Teams:



1. Hockey
2. Football
3. Basketball
4. Lacrosse
5. Baseball

That's about it....wow that's alot of stuff

left: Jake E. right:Jake G

About Jake Epstein
Jake made his professional theatrical debut at the Royal Alex Theatre in Soulpeppers production of Our Town as Si/Joe Crowell. The following year he landed the coveted role of The Artful Dodger in Cameron MacIntosh's production of Oliver. Jake debuted on television in an episode of Real Kids Real Adventures and then went on to play supporting roles in the Disney movies Quints and Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire. Jake spent the last 2 years co-starring as Cam Dunleavey in the TV series The Zack Files. He makes his first appearance in the second season of Degrassi - The Next Generation as Craig. He also likes to play guitar and sing.

Vital Stats
name: jake lee (?)epstein
nickname: frotte
birthday: january 16, 1987
lives: toronto, canada (thornhill i think)
hobbies: singing, guitar,
School: Earl Haig (i think a performing arts school, probly in toronto)
Favorite Hangout: Baskin Robbins
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Britney or Christina: Britney
Dream Vacation: South Africa
Favorite Way to Spend a Saturday: seeing my friends
My Hero: my parents
Most Dreaded Household Chore: dust bunnies
I Wish I Could: fly
If I could meet anyone: John Lennon
Most Treasured Possession: my stereo
Favorite Food: Japanese
Junk food of Choice: chocolate any kind
1st kiss: "it was in a movie theater... what were we seeing??? oh... Gone in 60 seconds- Gone in 60 seconds was my 1st kiss"
Favorite thing to do: "Music. I love music. this past year i started a band with all my best friends. Bands rock and they're alot of fun and you learn alot about yourself doing it."

Besides acting, jake is also a guitarist for a band Mind The Gap.