Season 2 Guide: 1-2)"When doves cry" 1 hr DCS is now grades 7- 12!!! Seans back at degrassi despite his mothers wishes, and he, Emma and the rest of degrassi meet the new kid Craig. Sean n Emma have to figure out how to keep Craig from making a big mistake: running away from his abusive father. J.T wants to use "The Isaacs System" to get a certain grade 9 girl- Paige. So she makes a bet w/ Spinner and Hazel and ends up going on a date w/ JT!!!!! JT doesn't realize its a bet until after the movie. Although he wasn't too upset, he decided to use the guilt factor to get a good night kiss out of Paige! 3)Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Emma learns that her mother is dating one of her teachers, Mr. Simpson, and decides to get even after her mother cancels their girls-night-out to go on a date; Spinner and Jimmy try to enter the school's break-dancing contest as a team, but they argue too much to be able to collaborate on a winning routine. Also who will Craig ask out to the "Back to the Future" Dance? 4.) Karma Chameleon Ashley decides to make amends with everyone she embarrassed at a party, but she is unprepared for what happens after she apologizes; paige turns terri against her and jimmy calls her a slut after finding out ash n sean were going to go on a date. and Toby has the hots for Spinner's sister, but begins to avoid her when Spinner makes it clear that he doesn't want him dating her.< 5.)Weird Science Emma feels uneasy when Mr. Simpson offers help on her science project at the school's science fair; Manny mistakenly lets the entire school know that Emma's mom is dating Mr. Simpson and liberty uses it against her; Spinner adapts to his new role as a ladies' man and due to emma's experimenting(and hormones)gets some "stiffness" down under(hehe), and gets Jimmy upset when spinner flirts with Ellie because she already turned him down.< 6.) Drive Craig is given free reign when Joey goes away for the weekend, and he and his friends decide to go for a spin in one of the cars in his stepfather's lot; Ashley is prepared to go to drastic measures to impress a new friend. 7.)Shout Part 1 of two. JT and Toby argue about sharing their one locker together. Meanwhile, Spinner wants to meet up with Paige for a movie but she blows him off for a guy, Dean. As Paige visits her dream-guy and they go 'upstairs', they start to make out. Dean starts harassing Paige as she begs him to stop. The next day, Paige tells Terri and Hazel that they kissed--that's all. With tears in her eyes, Paige tells Hazel that Dean raped her. Hazel tries to convince Paige to tell someone, but Paige refuses... TO BE CONTINUED...
Conclusion. A traumatized Paige gets involved in a band contest with PMS to distract herself, but the song that ash writes hits a bit too close to home and paige must overcome her denial; JT has a personal vendetta against Lindsay after she makes fun of him during class, and Liberty gets in trouble for vandalism
9.)Mirror In The Bathroom
Toby wants to make his mark at DCS by joining the wrestling team. but out of fear... he tries to drop down to a lower weight class by becoming anorexic and belemic. Terri reveals her secret job as a plus sized model.
10.)Take My Breath Away
Cupids on the path and 2 girls both have special crushes. One girl acts on hers and the other keeps it on the DL... will either of them get their dream guy???
11.)Don't Believe The Hype
12.)Hot for Teacher
A fledgling comedian lands in hot water with a balloon-aided imitation of a prominent school figure. Will his knowledge about a certain "teacher's pet" help make amends? Meanwhile, two friends discover that honesty may not be the best policy.
13-14.)White Wedding (1 & 2)
Spike and Snake are getting married and learn that communication is the most important element to a successful relationship -- too late? Meanwhile, a romance loving character plays re-matchmaker with two friends- Sean and Emma. Will it work? and could emma get a baby brother? br>
15.)Careless Whisper
Marco and Ellie are the best of friends. But Ellie is starting to want more…and Marco can't seem to respond in kind. He's more and more confused about what and who he's looking for. After a Sex Ed class discussion turns to homosexuality, rumours start to circulate about Marco and the teasing and questions won't stop. Marco freaks. He's not gay and he'll prove it - by asking Ellie to be his girlfriend. Ultimately, though, Marco can't bring himself to go through with the lie and hurt Ellie. Before he can tell her, Ellie guesses the truth and gives him her support, even going as far as posing as his girlfriend,but neither of them can pretend forever.
Also..Toby thinks his girlfriend Kendra is the greatest. He wants them to spend all their time together, but Kendra is getting annoyed by this constant "togetherness". Kendra needs to make Toby understand that she doesn't hate him, just his smothering behaviour.
16.)Message in a Bottle
A seemingly reformed sean heads back down the road to self-destruction. An uncomfortable situation causes a relapse when he looks for help in all the wrong places-the inside of a bottle of wine. Meanwhile, an outcast gets invited to a party...sort of. But the question remains: Why?
17.)Dressed in Black
Ashley casts doubts on her identity b/c of Jimmy. This episode raises two questions: 1) Is it possible to stay with someone if the way they are and the way you hope or want them to be are two different things? 2) Is being prepared sometimes more dangerous than not? Toby will defintly find out.
An aspiring Empress assumes that the only thing keeping a school team from success is strong leadership. Does the team feel the same? Meanwhile, could the end be at hand for a popular grade niner?
Deals w/ sexism in school and student competition
more coming soon

Season 1
1. Mother And Child Reunion (1) Spike's daughter, Emma, is now a teenager and is getting ready to participate at Degrassi, along with her friends, Manny and JT. Spike and the old gang of Degrassi are reuniting for the first time in a while, and people are familiarized with the characters again. When Spike goes off to the reunion, Emma left as well, to meet a guy that she had become online friends with on the Internet. Manny phones Emma and even checks by her house, and realizes that there is no one home. She decides to go to J.T. and his friend from summer camp, Toby (a whiz with computers). They hack into Emma's e-mail and discover that the guy Emma is going to meet may be dangerous. 2. Mother And Child Reunion (2) Emma is at a hotel waiting for the guy and "his teacher" greets Emma and invites her up to his hotel room, saying that the person Emma is supposed to meet should be coming soon. Emma soon discover that the teacher is the boy she met on the Internet. She freaks out and attempts to leave, but he stops her so she scurries into the bathroom. The teacher tells Emma that he is leaving, but it is actually a trick. He has a video camera, and plans on taping him raping Emma. Toby, J.T., and Manny hurries to the reunion and tells Spike and Mr. Simpson about the whole thing and how Emma is in danger. They hurry to the hotel room and rescue Emma before anything nasty happens. In the end, Emma learns her lesson and the bond between her and Spike grows even closer. 3. Family Politics Toby clashes with new step-sister Ashley and tries to make a mockery of her student council election campaign. Grade 7's Emma and Manny are hazed by Spinner and Liberty campaigns for school secretary. 4. Eye Of The Beholder Terri's uneasiness about the school dance and her feelings for Spinner are not aided by Paige as she has her own motives. Toby and J.T. pass on the dance in favour of sneaking a glimpse of some net porn. Emma meets Sean at the dance 5. Parents' Day It's Parents' Day at school and Toby tries to keep his parents apart or else they'll fight like they always do. Ashley and Paige compete to get Toby's mom attention. Toby's mother is a casting agent and both of the girls want to be auditioned for anything. It ends up that Terri gets the business card. Emma writes in the school paper her opinion on how Squigy-Boys aren't lazy, poor and useless. Sean's brother think that her paper is 'garbage' and later Sean apoligizes of what his brother told Emma. 6. The Mating Game
It's Ashley and Jimmy's 8th months aniversary together while Ashley wonders if Jimmy wants to have sex now even though she does't want to. Ashley tells him that and they both agree to be patient. Meanwhile, Toby tries to impress Emma about his project on endangered turtles. Only, Emma still falls for Sean.
7. Basketball Diaries
Hey, all you Panther fans, ready for some basketball action? This week at Degrassi CS - Our First Big Game! Who will make the cut and Coach Armstrong's ultimate team? Why's Jimmy B losing his cool? Off the court, Liberty's planning to take Ashley on one-on-one too.
8. Secrets And Lies
Liberty admits she has an ultimate crush on J.T. He, on the other hand, tries to stay away from Liberty saying that he's gay. Later, when J.T. tells the truth to Liberty that he is not, it leads her to be heartbroken. Meanwhile, Ashley's divorced dad comes to town and explains her why he and Ashley's mom divorced in the first place. That is because he himslef is gay. Ashley makes a statement to her dad and Terri that she doesn't want to see his face again.
9. Coming Of Age
It's Jimmy's birthday and Toby spills the beans that he heard Ashley was going to breakup on Jimmy's 14th birthday. It ends, that Jimmy and Ashley were on the border line to breakup. Meanwhile, Emma gets her first period and with the help of Paige, she's ready to face growing up.
10. Rumours And Reputations
Emma believes that there is something going on between Mr. Armstrong and Liberty because they were spending a lot of time with each other and they are passing notes, etc...
While Spinner was attacked by an earwig when he received his lunch and he announces that the cafeteria food was infested by bugs, but no one believed him because the bug had vanished, when someone had stepped on it. So, he decides to throw earwigs around in the cafeteria but he was caught in the act and was paunished by working with the lunch lady with the food preparation and serving.
Emma secretly started a rumour with her friend about Mr. Armstrong and Liberty, but another student had overheard what she said, and passed it on. Then the word was spread all over the school, changed dramatically to become more interesting until the point where everyone thought the teacher and the student were "doing it". The teachers had known about this, and they talked about this problem with Mr. Armstrong, and there has to be some consequences. Emma tries to look for who had spread the rumour, but finds out she had done it, so she must confess to Liberty.
11. Friday Night
Jimmy and Spinner receive detention with Mrs. Kwan. At the end of the day, the two trouble-makers decide to go and cause trouble to Mrs. Kwan. When she is teaching English-as-a-second-language course to adults, they make a prank phone call that Mrs. Kwan wants to order a number of pizzas. Then when she is ready to leave, she finds that her van was vandalised. This was the work of Jimmy and Spinner. Soon, when Kwan is missing the next day for class, they discover that she was under a lot of pressure, especially when her husband was ill.
Meanwhile, Emma and Sean finally accept each other's offer on going on their first date. When Sean arrives, things start going horribly wrong. When they arrive at their place for dinner, they are both extremely nervous, and they accidentally do some silly things. Near the end of their date, Emma reveals that her purse is lost, and the two go scrummaging through garbage cans, etc... to find the missing bag. When they finally find it in the stupidest place, they both reveal that it was still a great date and wishes to do it again some day.
12. Wannabe
Emma who is against sexism, and believes cheerleading is sexist. She discovers that her best friend, Manny is auditioning to be a cheerleader. Manny soon discovers that being a cheerleader is not that important, and agrees what Emma was talking about. Meanwhile, J.T., Toby, Liberty and Spinner team up together to get the ace of spaids and the ace of clubs so they could win ONE MILLION DOLLARS! Only at the end, they have both of one kind and the contest is now ended.
13. Cabaret
Instead of following Ashley's rules, Terri decides to go follow Paige for the School Show. Meanwhile, Toby decided to be in Emma's and Manny's dance/play to be... well with Emma.
14. Under Pressure
Spinner and Sean seem to be stressed to know that the exams are up. So stressed, Sean is ready to take on Jimmy. While the fight occured, Sean "accidentally" pushes Emma to the ground which leads to breaking up with him. Meanwhile, Spinner tries to get himself out of school by stealing Terri's flute. It actually ends that both of them have good marks.
15. Jagged Little Pill
Everyone is gathering to have a party because school is finally over for the season. Ashley brings some girls over as Toby invites J.T. and Sean. J.T. arrives with the drug, ecxtacy and pushes Ashley to take the pill. She ends up taking one, making her high, as Sean is pressured into taking some as well. In a cleaver move, he is able to switch it with aspirin without J.T's knowing. J.T. now believes that Sean has taking a pill, when Sean pretends to be high.
Ashley ends up cheating on Jimmy by kissing Sean (still heartbroken about Emma) and breaking up with Jimmy. Ashley goes off with Toby, as Jimmy makes fun of Paige, and now, Ashley's popularity is in trouble. Even Terri becomes mad at her. Jimmy is the least mad at her, who considers to talk to her IF she calls first.